Summer English Language School in Ireland

* 3x months of English learning on line

* 2x weeks of English in Ireland (13th - 27th July '25)

* Avoid the intense heat of July in mainland Europe

(Airport transfers, Host accommodation, Full board, English classes, Afternoon activities, Social evenings, Cultural trips, 24/7 supervision / assistance, Certificates)

At Language Xchange Ireland we believe that learning English should be fun….and this is also true at our Summer Language School!

How does the Summer Language School work?

Our Summer Language School is available for student groups aged 12 to 17 years. We recruit teaching staff for our Junior Centres who will motivate and encourage junior students to build on the English they already know. We also use AI English learning.

Mornings at the Junior Centres are divided into two sessions and usually have two teachers and each student has an tablet and AI English learning Software, to hand. The first session concentrates on reading skills, writing skills and key grammar. The class of #12 students is organised so that learning is fun, resulting in steady progress. After a mid-morning break students concentrate on improving their oral skills using role-play, debate, project work, learning about their surroundings in Ireland and the cultural landmarks visited during their stay.

Our school is based in a small town in the beautiful Irish countryside. This friendly, semi-rural setting provides peace of mind for parents and teachers about the safety and security of students while they are away from home. In contrast to schools in larger cities, our students benefit from becoming part of the friendly local community during their stay.

Our programs are action-packed with fun and exciting activities, ensuring students are engaged, occupied and motivated at all times.


The Language Xchange Ireland Summer School has been chosen for its excellent academic and sports facilities as well as its beautiful location. It is the second level school attended by local teenagers from September to June and is conveniently located close to Language Xchange Ireland Host Families in the cultural and crafts town of Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny. Sports facilities include playing fields and tennis courts. These facilities allow LXI to arrange a widely varied and challenging sports and activity program.


We want our students to enjoy your stay with us so we have organised an action-packed program. Students will visit historical places and take part in many activities including arts, crafts, dance and sports. Students will also have an opportunity to make lots of new friends and attend social activities such as school discos and other evening activities such as our supervised alcohol-free disco on a Friday night. In addition, there are full-day Saturday tours to places of historical interest or towns and villages of cultural interest.

Activities available at our Summer Language School include:

Football • Basketball • Volleyball • Rounders • Fun games • Art & crafts • Aerobics • Gaelic hurling • Dancing • Make up artistry • Board games • Hair styling • Nature trails


Full-day tours on Saturdays:

  • Dublin city & shopping tour
  • Hook Head lighthouse & beach tour

Limited to max #36 participants in 2025 and an English teacher to student ratio of 12:1

Total cost:- E 1,775pp for the 3 month English learning experience.

LXI will refund students flight carbon offset purchases.

Flight costs not included. Closing date for application - 23rd May 2025.

Enquiries / Bookings via: Enquire Here or Apply Now Forms on web site (or)

Mr. Con Furey (CEO) office - email:

Language Xchange Ireland

"Making learning unforgettable"

Apply Now / Enquire Here Form completion -

When completing this form - Parents fill in your own contact: Name, Number & Email address.

Application Details include - Childs name, age and gender. Region / city of residence, current school been attended, current year in school, child's interests and hobbies and years learning English at school.

Course category = Student English Courses.

Course Type = Summer Junior Language School.

Thank you.



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