Erasmus+ stands as the European Union's flagship initiative, dedicated to nurturing education, training, youth, and sports endeavors across Europe. This fantastic program extends a hand of support through funded opportunities, facilitating participation in an array of enriching courses, exchanges, and collaborative projects.

Primary, secondary, and adult education professionals have the opportunity to enhance their English language proficiency or refine their teaching techniques for English instruction, catering to students whose native language is not English.

Staff mobility grants can be secured by third level academics, educators, and researchers for English language courses or specialized programs aimed at refining academic writing, presentation, and teaching competencies. Administrative personnel at tertiary institutions can also benefit from Staff Mobility grants to improve their English language fluency, business acumen, or team-building skills through targeted training sessions.

The Erasmus+ Key Action 2 (KA2) projects stand as transformative pillars within the European education landscape. Discover a new innovative experience where education seamlessly intertwines with exploration across the captivating landscapes of Ireland. LXI's commitment to flexibility, autonomy, and innovation positions us as the ideal partner for your Erasmus+ Ka1 projects.

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