At the heart of Erasmus+ lies Key Action 1 (KA1), which focuses on mobility projects tailored for individuals.

Through KA1, students, teachers, trainers, and youth workers are offered the chance to embark on mobility experiences abroad.

In terms of education and training:

Student Mobility (Higher Education): Under KA1, student mobility initiatives enable higher education students to study abroad at partner universities or institutions for a period ranging from a few months to a full academic year. Students typically receive financial support to cover travel, accommodation, and living expenses during their mobility period.

Staff Mobility (Higher Education): KA1 also encompasses staff mobility projects, which provide opportunities for teaching and administrative staff working in higher education institutions to undertake professional development activities abroad. This may include teaching assignments, training sessions, job shadowing, or attending seminars and conferences at partner institutions or organizations.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) Mobility: In addition, KA1 supports mobility initiatives for individuals involved in vocational education and training (VET). This includes students enrolled in vocational programs, as well as teachers, trainers, and staff working in VET organizations. VET mobility projects offer opportunities for work placements, internships, job shadowing, and training activities abroad.

Youth Mobility: Another integral aspect of KA1 is youth mobility, which focuses on providing young people with opportunities to engage in international mobility experiences, such as youth exchanges, volunteering projects, and training courses.

By facilitating such experiences, KA1 aims to empower participants with enhanced skills, expanded cultural awareness, and strengthened connections. This promotes intercultural understanding and cooperation within Europe and beyond.

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